The SU is working hard to place sustainability at the heart of how we operate to ensure that we have a positive impact on our environment both locally and globally.
We’re really committed to cutting down our impact on the environment and we also actively take part in the Green Impact scheme. It’s an accreditation system run by the NUS to encourage students’ unions to act in a more environmentally-friendly way.
Last year was the first year we went though the process as a commercial SU and we achieved a Bronze award and are working hard this year to improve on implementing green policies across our expanding departments, and minimising our environmental impact.
Our Commitments
In February 2016 we carried out an internal audit to assess our environmental impacts and how far we have come since 2012. We have since adopted a number of recommendations and as a result committed to the following things:
Click here to view our Enviornmental Policy
How can I get involved?
If you have any energy saving ideas, tips or simply want to get involved in our green team contact