This is a list of some of the common-asked questions we get about elections at Edge Hill Students’ Union.
If you have a question to which you can’t find an answer below, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us – we’re always happy to help. You can contact us via email:
Yes. Our elections are all subject to the Edge Hill Students’ Union Election By-Laws, which you can find here.
The only way to become a candidate is to nominate yourself during the specified nomination window (Monday 24 March - Friday 28 March). All nominations are self-nominations, so you cannot submit a nomination for a friend on their behalf.
All current Edge Hill Students can run in the Student Governor election.
We are also placing more emphasis on fit and proper candidates. If you are wondering if you are a fit and proper candidate, you might want to check out the Nolan Principles of public life.
Yes, students from any year of study can apply for the Student Governor role.
As long as you let us know in advance, this is okay. While these sessions are incredibly important, if you have a valid reason not to attend we will organise alternative arrangements for you.
Yes, but we hope you stay!
All information about making a complaint can be found here.