Rhiannon Muise, Faculty of Arts & Sciences Student Engagement Officer at Edge Hill Students’ Union, will complete her year in office this June.
Rhiannon joined the team in July 2021 after winning a cross-campus election. She was voted into her role by Edge Hill students, who chose Rhiannon to stand up for student voice and represent their best interests throughout the year.
During her time in office, Rhiannon has taken the lead on several projects and campaigns, dedicated to improving the Edge Hill student experience.
In 2021, Rhiannon launched the Menstruation Stations project. Through this scheme, Rhiannon helped the SU donate more than 13,000 free period products to Edge Hill students, from September - May. After lobbying the Edge Hill University directorate, Rhiannon persuaded senior leadership to fully fund the project, who committed to providing free tampons and pads for future students.
In her Real Costs campaign, Rhiannon pushed for the University to update its finance information. She called for clearer guidance on what students will be expected to pay for alongside tuition fees, including extra equipment, uniforms, and creative software.
Elsewhere, Rhiannon contributed several articles to EHSU Blogs, hosted our annual Societies Awards and Student Led Staff Awards (SLSAs) ceremonies, and was a regular face all over our social media.
Rhiannon also navigated a change in Union structure, becoming the first elected officer to take up the Arts & Sciences officer role. She took the lead on representing all students on courses within the faculty, attending meetings and feedback forums with students and staff.
On her year in office, Rhiannon said: “I have learnt vital lessons that I can take away with me into my next career step. I have learnt to be independent, confident and most importantly I learnt how to stand up for myself. In your twenties, I think they’re really vital lessons to learn.
“My highlight of the year was presenting the Society Awards and the SLSAs. It was so much fun. Being able to reward students for all their hard work was an honour. I’m also immensely proud of the Menstruation Station project.
“Good luck to the future officers. Make sure to be kind to one another, support each other and be there for each other! Most importantly, have the best time and the most fun you can.
“Lastly, thank you to all Edge Hill staff. I have made some really good connections along the way with staff, and it was lovely to meet new people!”
In August, Rhiannon will move on to a new public relations role.
Edge Hill Students’ Union would like to extend its thanks to Rhiannon for working with us throughout the year. We feel immensely privileged to have worked with Rhiannon, and we’re very proud of all the success she has achieved this year. We can’t wait to see what the future holds!
Our new officer team will commence post on Friday 1 July, taking up President roles within the union. These roles are: Arts & Sciences President; Education President; Health, Social Care & Medicine President; and Manchester Campus President (part-time).
If you have any queries about our new officer team, the SU engagement team will be available to answer any queries while they complete their month-long induction period. For more information, please email suengagement@edgehill.ac.uk.