Planning Events & Trips

What is an event?

An event is any activity that you plan to run for both your members and/or external guests outside of your regular meetings. Events are great oppurtunities to learn new skills, promote your society to prospective members and have fun! Plus we have all the resources to support you to make your event a success.


Where to Start?

When planning your event there are a number of things you need to consider to ensure your event can go ahead, work through the following points to check you have completed the relevant steps.



If there is a cost involved in your event you need to make sure your society has readily available funds to cover this, to check your society balance you should email If you are hosting an event where you will need to sell tickets we can help facilitate this through your society webpage, just drop us an email with all the details and we can set this up.


Aditional Risk Assessment

Any events or trips outside of your regular meetings require the completion of an additional activity risk assessment. Please complete your additional activity risk assessment and email it to prior to your event taking place.


Room and Facilities 

As an SU affiliated society you have access to our room and facilities booking service should you need a space to host your event on campus. Rooms bookings are subject to availability so the more notice you are able to give the more likely we will be to be able to accomodate your request.


External Speaker

You might want to invite an external speaker to come and speak to your members, whether that's for educational, campaigning or social purposes.
To inform us of your external speaker you MUST read the external speaker policy and complete and submit appendix 2 and 3 (found at the bottom of the policy doccument) to the Engagemnt team. We need 4 weeks notice to give us time to run safety checks and approve the speaker and speakers should not be advertised until you have confirmation of approval from the SU Team so try to be as organized as you can.

If you are having an online guest speaker as opposed to an in person talk then the same steps apply. However doing the talk online is often more convenient for speakers and can save on travel and accommodation as well as being more accessible to all members who would wish to attend. 


Film Screening 

If you are showing a film you need to let us know by completing our film screening form to check that the film you want to show is covered by our public film licence.


Off Campus Activity

If you are planning on taking students off campus on a trip then you must complete the off Campus Activity Doccument.



Our communications team can help promote your events in Instagram stories and Twitter retweets. Tag us in @edgehillsu or email our comms team at


PLEASE NOTE: The communications team cannot promote your event on our main feed on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.


Please Note

* Events cannot be advertised until all documentation is completed and approved 

* If you are inviting any prominent members of the community please let us know 

* We reserve the right to cancel any events

* All events must be compliant with all EHSU and University Policies and Guidance